Tuesday, July 3, 2007

My adventures thus far...

So thus far I've been in Taipei, Taichung and Xitou (and some surrounding provinces). Thanks to the help of my friend Sean back in Corvallis, video should be coming soon - this time for real - but in the mean time, here are some pictures from around Taiwan!

This is a shot of the Happy Family hostel where I spent my first two nights in Taiwan - behind me is another bed. Although it's not much to look at, it had A/C and was only ~$30 US/night - split three ways that was pretty cheap.

Here's a shot of a big square in Taipei - I counted at least four ads for the new Harry Potter movie there, and the big one in the upper left is for Transformers (which I saw before it came out for all you folks in the US :P) or as it is know in Mandarine "Powerful Robots which change shape"

These two shots are from when I stopped by the Artist Village - a small studio with ten resident artists in Taipei. I was amused when one of the assistants walked up to me and asked me if I was there with the press.

Here's me at the National Palace Museum.

That covers my stint in Taipei - I need to run off to class - Next time I'll post some shots of me since arriving in Taichung.

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