Thursday, August 16, 2007

The calm before the storm?

Well, as some of you might know, I have my finals coming up in 13 hours, so I'm not going to make a long post. I am however very excited that we have a class 5 hurricane arriving here in about 36 hours. As I'm on a hill and somewhat inland, I won't be experiencing the full effects or really be in any danger at all. Anyways, you can have fun following the progress here - click on "SEPAT" on the right.

Best of all - The official term for a class 5 hurricane here is "Super Typhoon" - I'm so pumped!


Unknown said...

Looks like it will be a class 4 storm by the time it reaches Taiwan. I know that's not as exciting for you, but I'm sure it will be better for the people who live on the coast...

Anonymous said...

Happy about a hurracane? lol Wow you are crazy. I would be freaking out no matter what class of storm it is..... :S

Good luck with finals

Diane said...

Wow. Enjoy your Super Typhoon.

(This is Diane... do you remember me? Lys Murray's daughter)